Vincent Durmont

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February 20, 2014

Custom Mockito matchers

Mockito is an awesome mocking framework that helps you simulate objects and services which have a complex or non-deterministic behavior in your unit tests.

When I check if there are interactions with some of the mocks, I sometimes want to perform custom verifications. In order to do that, let's see how to write custom matchers with Mockito!

Basic usage

Here is a basic example of how to check if a mock is called. We have a service MyService which has a method doStuff() which sends a message.

public class MyService {
private final MessageService messageService;

public MyService(MessageService messageService) {
this.messageService = messageService;

public void doStuff(Human author) {
// TODO do complex stuff

Message message = new Message(author);

// TODO do complex stuff again

public class Message {
private final Human author;

public Message(Human author) { = author;

public Human getAuthor() {
return author;

public class Human {
private final String name;
private final Gender gender;

public Human(String name, Gender gender) { = name;
this.gender = gender;

public String getName() {
return name;

public Gender getGender() {
return gender;

public class MessageService {
public void send(Message message) {
// TODO send the message :)

We can write a test that checks that a message is sent when we doStuff():

public class MyServiceTest {
public void doStuff_sends_a_message() {
MessageService mockMessageService = mock(MessageService.class);
MyService service = new MyService(mockMessageService);

Human author = new Human("Vincent", Gender.MALE);



As you can see, Mockito enables us to simulate the MessageService in order to check that it is correctly called. But in this case, we have no way to compare the author of the sent message with our author variable.

Matcher without argument

Let's write a custom matcher that will replace the any(Message.class) and check that the author is a male. The test would look like:

public void doStuff_sends_a_message_from_a_male() {
MessageService mockMessageService = mock(MessageService.class);
MyService service = new MyService(mockMessageService);

Human author = new Human("Vincent", Gender.MALE);



Here is the custom matcher:

public class MaleMatcher extends ArgumentMatcher<Message> {
public static Message authorIsAMale() {
return argThat(new MaleMatcher());

public boolean matches(Object argument) {
// TODO check null, etc.
return Gender.MALE.equals(((Message) argument).getAuthor().getGender());

Matcher with arguments

Now let's say we want to compare the beginning of the author's name of the sent message with a String. Here is how it works:

public void doStuff_sends_a_message_from_an_author_whose_name_starts_with_V() {
MessageService mockMessageService = mock(MessageService.class);
MyService service = new MyService(mockMessageService);

Human author = new Human("Vincent", Gender.MALE);



public class AuthorNameMatcher extends ArgumentMatcher<Message> {
public static Message authorNameStartsWith(String startsWith) {
return argThat(new AuthorNameMatcher(startsWith));

private final String expected;

public AuthorNameMatcher(String expected) {
this.expected = expected;

public boolean matches(Object argument) {
// TODO check null, etc.
String actual = ((Message) argument).getAuthor().getName().toLowerCase();
return actual.startsWith(expected.toLowerCase());

Going further

Do not forget that you can override the describeTo method in the matchers. It will enable you to display custom error messages!

You can find the code on Github.

I hope it will be useful for you!